Obviously we can’t tell what business and industry you are in and it would be impossible to cover all the case-scenarios here in one article, however, what we will say is that how could you not?
I Don’t Need SEO – Word of Mouth is Fine
Many of the clients who come to us at first have built their busiensses on referals and word of mouth. This, may have run dry and they, at last, see the value in being seen and found on the search engines and now need SEO.
SEO Takes Time
The trouble is that SEO takes time. In some industries and businesses this can be significantly longer than others. It can depend on so many things – one big one is the effort your competition may be or have been putting into their SEO.
SEO Tips – Keyword Research
So, let’s pretend that you have decided to ‘do SEO’. Let’s get you started. And the first thing you have to do is your keyword research. In fact, even before you decide on your domain name sometimes your keyword research can make a difference.
What a difference a word makes
I used to be in the international property industy and back in about 1998 we bought the domain name propertiesabroad.com. It was only after having spent a significant amount of money and built up the business that keyword research tools actually came out.
SEO Tips… We found that 4 time more people were searching for properties OVERSEAS than they were for properties ABROAD… ! Damn! Still – it didn’t affect us that much because the competition wasn’t as fierce then as it is now. But I did go ahead and buy some domain names for overseas property with the word ‘overseas’ in it!
But you get my drift, I hope. Just one word can make such a lot of difference and it’s worth investing time, if not money, into this keyword research activity.
Define your target market
Do keyword research
Don’t use a template for your website
Get professional design sorted – branding and website
Make sure your hosting and IT is powerful and secure
So now you have a website and you have sorted your onsite SEO – getting all the necessary ‘under the bonnet’ for Google and the other search engines to index you correctly, you need to do some on-going stuff. So that you can really start getting under Google’s nose and getting your ranking improved.
SEO Tips – Learn From Google Analytics
One of the best ways to do this is make sure (when building your website) that you create a Google Analytics account and then make sure that you are tracking your site.
This isn’t too complicate to sort out, however sort it you must if you want to make informed decisions for your marketing and website activity moving forward.
SEO Tips… You don’t have to monitor everything. I haven’t got a clue what a lot of the GA stuff does, however I have been using GA for many years and it tells me what I need to know. How many people are visiting, are they staying, what pages are they visiting, what are they typing in to find me etc.
From this information I can then tweak, change and move forward with my marketing and ongoing SEO.